Are Your Fins Actually Working?

Are Your Fins Actually Working?

Ever since Benjamin Franklin designed a crude version of the modern swimming fin, humans have been gliding through the water, joining in with the sea life around them as they move swiftly around rock, sand, plant, and animal. There are different styles of fins, but are your fins effective for snorkeling? Here are some tips and ideas from our designed fin.

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Take These Snorkeling Precautions Before You Go Out

Take These Snorkeling Precautions Before You Go Out

Enjoy Yourself But Mindful of Your Surroundings

We enjoy snorkeling and being out in the water on our vacations, but we often only focus on the fun and we don’t think about necessary snorkeling precautions we should take to properly enjoy our vacation.  Snorkeling accidents do occur, but many of them could be avoided if the proper snorkeling precautions were taken.  Below, we’re going to outline a few things that can be done to keep you and your family or friends safe during your snorkeling adventure. 

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The Kapitol Reef Snorkel

The Kapitol Reef Snorkel

Who doesn’t love the ocean?  Its vastness, its beautifully varying shades of blue, the rolling of the waves…we could keep going, but we wont, you already know why you love the ocean…we don’t need to point it out to you.  When you look at the ocean however, how often do you really think of the vast ecosystem that lives just underneath that water’s surface?  Often, we can compartmentalize these things.  It’s not until we are in the water that we begin to think about what else is in the water with us.

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